
From the far north... Country of Ice...

I am in the land where it was once the place of dreams... Where wealth was so high and where occupied the first place of the "happy people" index. 

I am in Iceland... Thousand of kilometres away from probably each person reading this blog... 
No it's not snowing and no it's not freezing. Actually people of Iceland dont like it when you call here "the land of ice".

I am not here to interview Björk, sorry... But to write about something much more interesting: economic crisis. But what is a "crisis" when you have 3 cars and you lose one. Comparing to other ends of the world, poverty... This country is one of those examples that will fill in the books, "dont be like them" title. Greed, losing yourself in huge amounts of money, then falling from the top when there is no net to save you...

But apart from everything, this is such a beautiful country. Black volcanic mountains, dressed with snow, a huge lake, brilliant sky... Sun cuts your eyes because it's so close to the poles. For those of you, who like cold weather, Iceland. The people are so so friendly, very open. Because the population is very small, (only 120.000 in Reykjavik), everybody knows each other. This city is more like a modern village...

There are wonderful fish restaurants. One of those best food are shark meat, cod...

I will write more about here...


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